Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[FREE]Old People

            My  grandfathers on both sides of my family passed away when I was really young, so  I did not really know them. My grandmother on my mother’s side lives in Boston and also does not  speak English, so I do not see her that often. My other grandmother also does  not speak English and has Alzheimer’s disease, so even she has no idea what she is talking about. The other day, about five years ago, my grandmother came  upstairs while we were eating dinner and asked my dad to open the door. He then told me to go back down and open it for her, so I went. Then, I went  downstairs, only to discover that all the doors were open. Confused, I looked  back to see my grandmother walking passed me into her room. Finally, she went to sleep. I am still confused as to what I was supposed to do.
            For the past couple of years, my mother has been trying to make time for my brother and I to go to Boston over the summer to visit our grandmother for a couple of  weeks because my mother believes that we do not have that much time left to  spend time with her. I only have seen her about seven or eight times throughout my entire life, so I see the reasoning behind my mother’s decision. When we did visit her though, we usually spent more time with our cousins in the area than  with the actual person we were going to visit, with is counter productive.

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