Thursday, September 8, 2011


            I do not really remember what happened on September 9, 2001, so all of the information I use is from other people or books or the internet. One of my previous teachers said that after 9/11, Alameda was really quiet because there were not any planes flying over the city. And since 9/11 is depicted everywhere like on TV or newspapers, I feel that I should know more about it so I picked 9/11 for my current events post since the ten year anniversary is coming soon. My dad believes that the government planned the 9/11 strike to raise national unity so they have approval from Congress and everyone else in the nation to attack and invade Iraq. But he also thinks that a lightning bolt sent from the United States with a virus in it caused a train crash in China. He says that because of 9/11, the government had the power to do anything with the support of the public, which I think is true.
      On another note, there was another “dirty bomb” threat about 9 months after 9/11, which is what the video is about. A dirty bomb is a radiological dispersion device, which I do not even know what that is. The accused was put on trial and indicted for terrorism charges, but no charge was found for plotting to use a dirty bomb. I think that the Department of Homeland Security partially only arrested this person to calm the public and assure the people that they were safe even after 9/11.

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