Friday, September 16, 2011


"The most ideal place for shelter in a zombie outbreak, is underground.  The zombies would probably not be able to find you, and if they do, make sure your entrance is a narrow hallway, so the zombies have to enter one by one.   "-Calvin Lin (1)
     I disagree with the statement that the most ideal place to be during an apocalyptic zombie outbreak is underground because I do not really like the idea of being underground where it is dark and easy to be cornered in by a large mass of zombies. Another downside of hiding out underground is the lack of necessary supplies and space. Supplies such as food and water are need for obvious reasons as well as medical materials in a case of which you or someone following you is injured and is in need of immediate medical service. Space can potentially be a problem in a situation where you have a small group traveling with you. A group is usually needed to help revive the human race and repopulate the Earth after the event is over.
     Another issue is the moral of the group. Some people, in the case of a zombie apocalypse, would choose to give up and end it right there. Life would be difficult and some people might not think it is worth it. If a group of survivors did choose to live underground, there is the case of not seeing the sun or breathing in fresh air. These conditions can seriously demoralize a person and force them to give up.

1 comment:

  1. You make a good point, when you deprive humans of sunlight and force them to live underground, some would rather die. I always thought of the ideal- A mall, because it has fortified areas, a surplus of food and clothing for the cold months, even, if you're lucky, bicycles for optimal transportation.
    Actually I have no idea why bicycles aren't more common in zombie films and stuff. No fuel, human powered, completely silent, their only downfall is that they can't carry much.
    Heh, it's funny to think about using horses or llamas to carry your stuff. Some people have to do that to live though so it wouldn't be so bad!!!
