Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[FREE]Doggy Style

A couple of weeks ago, my family  from Seattle, Washington came over and stayed at my house  for a couple of days. My grandmother likes to go on walks and since my parents  and my brother and I will not be home every day, my grandmother needed a key. My mother solved this problem by giving her my key to the house. On the Sunday  that they left, I was at my father’s house in Oakland and I had not realized that my grandmother still had my key, so I went around for about two weeks without a  key.
Every day after school, I would be  the first to come back home, so the door was always locked. Luckily, we have a  doggy door in the back which I could fit through, so I used that everyday. One day, though, people came over during the day while I was at school and put the  dog outside in the backyard. To prevent him from coming back in, they would a sheet of plastic over the door, and when they left, they did not remove it. When I got back home, I tried crawling through the doggy door, but was blocked.  My brother was not home because he had other stuff to do until six or seven and  my mother had work until six, so I would have been stuck outside for three  hours. Fortunately, the window my cat uses to go outside was open, so I used  that to get in.

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