Tuesday, September 13, 2011


The rule of every zombie game, movie, or book is that there is, and will always be, a zombie behind you. However, all zombie  products have something different from each other. For example, in the game  Left 4 Dead, there seems to be guns and weapons available everywhere, while in  the game Dead Island, firearms and other lethal  weapons are relatively hard to find until later in the game. It seems like the  main characters always know a zombie apocalypse is coming and they stock up on  food and guns. Differences in zombies decide whether or not the human race will  survive, such as the ability to swim or climb. If the zombies are unable to  swim, then the solution is easy: get in a boat. If they can't climb, go on top  of a building or cliff or something.
While dead zombies are usually depicted as decaying, stinking corpses with things like worms and maggots crawling out of their eyes  and numerous cuts and gaping holes all over their body, sometimes the zombies do not seem dead. There are stories with people becoming zombies by infection, so they are not really dead. I think, with dead zombies, it would be pretty easy to survive because then I would just have to wait until their bodies decompose enough so they are unable to move. Even though I say that, I do not think I would be able to survive a zombie invasion unless the zombies are  unbelievably stupid and incompetent.

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