Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[BC]In the Dark

       So this guy wakes up in a house he does not recognize just as the lights starts to flicker. The door slams shut somewhere behind him and he jumps up in surprise, only to hit his head on something metal and square shaped right above him, where it made a weird ringing sound. The sound got louder and louder, up until the point where it was deafening.  He barely has enough time to take in his surroundings before the lights shut off, completely leaving him in darkness. The guy got scared, so he tried to run towards the door. He groped the door to try and find the knob, but the door seemed smooth and empty. Confused, he slowly came to realize that the door was no longer there anymore, and in shock, he started to take a few steps backwards. As a result, he stumbled in to a pile of something warm. He tried to resist the smell and tried to figure out what it was by rolling it around in his hand. It felt warm and creamy, and left a sticky residue on his palm. To his horror, he realized he was playing with a pile of animal poop and quickly tried to wipe his hands on his clothes.
       He tried to regain composure, and ignoring the stinky stuff on his hands and clothes, he tried to adjust his eyes to the darkness around him. After a couple minutes of just sitting there, his eyes still did not adjust and he started to panic as he thought that he went blind. His head did not hurt that much from when he hit it against the metal thing, and only seemed to be a dull ache. The ringing was still going on, making him wonder which direction it was coming from. He started to rub his aching head, but quickly stopped due to the sticky stuff still on his hands. Squinting, he tried to look around again, but failed. He drew his knees to his chest, shivering, just now noticing the frigidly cold air around him. It was not just cold, it was freezing. The frost seemed to seep into his bones, working its way up from his hands and his feet towards his chest. Taking in quick, shallow breaths, he stood up, intent on finding a window, door, or anything that could get him out of there. He walked forward, stumbling over ledges, boxes, and various other object strewn across the floor in front of him. He walked for a short time, which turned into a while, until it seemed that he would be walking forever. Confused, he stretched his arms out to find anything on either sides of him. Finding nothing, he sat down, his mind working at figuring out the questions that were in his head. The ringing had quieted down by now, but he could still hear it a distance away. Then, he gave up and died in that house which was not really a house. The End.

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