Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[FREE]Caspar the Friendly Ghost

   When I was little, my cousin, who I lived with, had a collection of videos on VHS that I used to watch constantly. Some of the videos were Mulan, Winnie the Pooh, Pokemon, Caspar the Friendly Ghost, and other stuff I am not remembering right now. Every weekend I was at my father's house, I would watch some of these movies on my crappy TV in my room. I watched Caspar the Friendly Ghost dozens of times, which is funny because I do not remember a single thing a that movie.
    Anyway, the other day, which was like seven or eight years ago, I had a nightmare where Caspar the Friendly Ghost tried to bite my face off, so I ran down the stairs at my mom's house and tripped at the bottom where my brother was eating a pop tart and a hot pocket at the same time, which was weird. Then, Mulan came out of no where and saved me, just as my brother started microwaving a small group of dinosaurs. Then, these dinosaurs grew into giant ladybugs which started to chase me too, so I got my bike and started running away from my house. The ladybugs chased me all the way to the green bridge between Oakland and Alameda, so I had to jump across it because it went up to let the boat through. I did not make it across, so I woke up. I thought I wet the bed, but I didn't, so it was cool.

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