Wednesday, September 7, 2011


     Hi, my name is Andrew Fan. My birthday is July 15, 1996 and I am currently enrolled in Alameda High School in Alameda Unified School District. I went to kindergarten three times in Amelia Earhart Elementary School, Peter Pan Elementary School, and a school in Seattle because I was too young to go to first grade. My favorite subject in school is math because I am relatively good at it even though at one point I needed a tutor for a little while. I also like science because it is easy. My family likes to travel a lot so every summer I end up going somewhere. My parents are divorced so they each take my brother and I places separately.  Just last summer, I went to Boston, Massachusetts and took the train there to New York City, New York with my mother. After that, I went to China and took tours around there with my father and my brother and went of the bullet train. I have family all around the world because both my mother and my father have at least six or seven siblings. My grandfathers from both sides of the family passed away when I was really young so I don't really remember either of them. One of them died from lung cancer or diabetes or something and the other one died of leukemia, both around the same time. My oldest uncle from my dad's side retired and takes care of my grandmother because she has Alzheimer's Disease and doesn't really know what's she doing. She likes to dig the used napkins out of other peoples' garbage cans and my dad tells me to give her a couple of pennies every time I see her around my father's house. We also have locks on the insides of the doors so she does not walk out and get lost around Oakland a second time.
     My family originated in China, but then they migrated to Vietnam. Both of my parents and their families were kicked out of Vietnam during or after the Vietnam War because their family was Chinese and took a boat from Hong Kong to Boston. My mother told me a story once about how my uncle saved a boat full of people while they were sailing to the United States. The ship's captain had passed away due to a heart attack so my uncle helped sail them to land from there. She used this story to try to get me to do a sailing class over the summer a couple years ago. She wants me to be busy during the summer and takes classes and camps and stuff but I am too lazy to go to any of them so I just stay at home and sleep. Anyway, my writing goals for this year are to be able to completely all of the blog posts we are supposed to write for Mr. Sutherland's class and to get an A in his english class.

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